Day 6: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

Deep in community

Because this month is all about community, today I started listening to the Get Together podcast and jumped into a Twitter Spaces. Below are some of my takeaways from each:

Get Together

  • Platonic longing is the idea that you a craving non-romantic or non-sexual relationships in which you feel relaxed with the person or people.

  • Meeting a ton of people doesn’t help you make friends. It can actually make you feel worse about the lack of friendship when you leave events without having made a connection.

  • There is a sense of people being disposable and swipe culture that prevents people from connecting strongly enough to form friendships.

Twitter Spaces

Twitter Space hosted by K.O.O

  • Twitter Spaces is much more like talk radio where guests can call in. It definitely feels more audience based than community based.

  • The host referred to the opinions of the two featured speakers, going back and forth between them to see what each thought about a given topic and also inserted their own opinion in between.

  • Host mentioned the names of the speakers explicitly and kept the conversation fun when there was a hot take.

  • Host told the audience there would be a specific amount of time left to bring people in to ask questions and said that they would have to end after that time.

  • It is a bit boring to just hear people talk

  • They mentioned many different resources that I looked up during the talk and that I would be able to learn from after. This kept me occupied and it felt like I would learn more the longer I stuck around.

Website update

Re-did the landing page for Founder’s Log and it made me realize I won’t be moving forward with the app. At least not for now, and not in this form. My focus has shifted from individuals back to communities. There’s a few reasons for this—here’s a non-exhaustive list:

  • Onboarding communities means more users faster

  • At least 3 community leaders have already expressed to me that they want a better tool for managing their community

  • Building for communities is more of a SaaS product than a consumer product which I think is easier to monetize

Filling my calendar

I now have a bunch of community events lined up including hosting a workshop at a hackathon. But I’ve run out of people to contact for interviews. That will be the major task for tomorrow.


Day 7: Build in public


Day 5: Build in public