Day 7: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

Kernel Office Hours

Really glad I was able to finally join one of these sessions especially because the topic today was building Companies and Communities in web3.


  • low energy made me feel a bit confused as if I missed something

  • many shout outs back and forth between the orgs. made me feel like an outsider or they were having a private chat


  • “can you see my screen” twice in the first 15 minutes

  • shared links in the chat—easy to get lost


  • 10-20% of their github issues are done by community volunteers (argument for build in public)

  • memes, jokes, etc. helped them move from 5K to 100K

  • give community badges “they really love that”

Kernel and Push Protocol Office Hours

Founders Cafe Interview

Had an interview with Founders Cafe and it went well but damn is it steep. They charge $4k for the first month and $1k each month after. Though I can see the accountability piece being really valuable. $4k is truly a lot from our budget though. 😶

One helpful thing Ashe pointed out in the call was that I am avoiding my users. I think this is because of fear of having to sell them something and fear of hearing that my product isn’t good.

How to sell

Funny enough, to follow up on my observation from the Founders Cafe interview I attended a webinar on sales. I left early because it wasn’t exactly geared for beginners—some things were going over my head, and it wasn’t engaging. It was a webinar after all.

But I did get some gems there in terms of things that happened that validate ideas I’ve had. For example, they had to ask people in the chat to stop sharing their linkedin urls because it was distracting.

Screenshot from 30MPC webinar

I also noticed that I was able to pay more attention to the speakers whose rooms I could see.

Screenshot from 30MPC webinar


Day 8: Build in public


Day 6: Build in public