Day 5: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

Back to my routine

Was able to get back to my routine this morning. I wake up at 5am, drive to the beach, surf for about an hour, head home for a shower, then breakfast, then my first work call at 10:30. At some point I want to do a day in the life video that shows this.

My first call with morning was a great one with Maceo Whaley who is the creator of the We Them Niggas podcast.

“Oh you’re a content creator?”

Someone in my call this morning said this to me and I said not really. But then today I spent waaay too long editing a video. Historically I have spent about 2 hours editing a video that ended up being less than 1 minute long but sometimes I was way faster. The videos I spend less time on get the most views and likes. I’m not expecting this video to be popular but it become obvious to me why people say creating content is like a full time job. I believe it is because when people start creating videos they focus and spend time on the wrong thing: editing. I don’t think the quality of editing determines how popular a video is. It’s something else. But it is easy as a novice to dig into the tooling until you get something you think is great. I need to keep telling myself “nobody cares!” and just get a quick story out fast.


Day 6: Build in public


Day 4: Build in public