Day 11: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

Working while menstruating

Found a great TT video someone made suggesting that people who menstruate should plan their work activities around their cycle. This felt wild. It had never occurred to me but now I want to pay attention to how different phases of my cycle affect how I approach my work.

I spent most of today watching surf competitions and took breaks in between to look up investors. It was a lazy slow Sunday but I’m still here!

and on that note,

I wouldn’t be here, writing on this website and posting content daily if not for Kevon’s leaderboard. It gave me a new app idea—a leaderboard for anything you want to do in life. With a buy-in option where the winner gets the pot.


Day 12: Build in public


Day 10: Build in public