Day 12: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

2 wonderful calls

In one call someone complimented my TT videos saying that they are really good and look well thought out and that I could help advise others on content creation. Like… wow!

Another call was with someone who has been deep in web3 communities and DAOs and I learned so much from her. So happy about that. She described the magic of web3 communities so well.

My visual brand and identity

I decided to spend the few hours of work time I had today developing a visual brand based on how I understand my identity currently. It is really illuminating as a task but also frustrating to work with AI tools that consistently view women with long hair, makeup and jewelry. Otherwise, it must be a man right?

This is pretty close to how I see myself


Day 16: Build in public


Day 11: Build in public