Day 9: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

So much

It feels like so much has happened today and so fast that I haven’t had a moment to sit down and process it all. First, I was able to ship Joyn with essential features and invited folks to use it. There were some bugs but overall we were able to all chat with eachother. I could have rushed to fix up mobile but I struggle so much with frontend that I didn’t want to bother. Naturally, someone tried to join from their phone and couldn’t.

Here’s an image someone shared in our discussion.

All this technology is making us antisocial.

Quick videos

The TikTok videos I spend the most time on get the least amount of engagement. Today during an identity mapping session I realized that I want to be more authentic and more myself, instead of filtering what I say to the camera. This will make creating videos faster and I think it will make the videos more fun to watch.

So I did a one take video just talking to the camera on my couch and after posting it today it got pretty good reception.


Don’t want to say too much but it seems that I may have revenue coming in soon!


Day 10: Build in public


Day 8: Build in public