Day 2: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

Talking to strangers

A new internet buddy sent me a TikTok creator course that actually looks promising. In their pitch trailer they mention 3 tips that are kind of fluff. But I think I found a gem inside of that.

One of the people who went through their program got over 1M views on his first video. He went to a golf course to ask strangers if he could be their caddie. I don’t know anything about golf. But I realized one of the keys to the video’s success is that

he is doing something most people wouldn’t do.

He is also making a video out in the world while most people are sitting at home while watching his videos. I think this hits a part of many of us that feels lonely and isolated. Now I’m trying to think of ideas for videos that I can make talking to strangers out in the world. I thought about starting by talking to strangers online instead, because it is what I do more often so it feels easier. But that may defeat the point. To go viral on TikTok,

I have to do something most people would feel embarrassed to do.

It also hit me that this is what makes actors successful. Imagine if someone dared you to go to a park, sit on a bench, and pretend that you are on a toilet having massive diarrhea and yelling to your date in the other room that you are fine. Most people, wouldn’t do that. Actors do it all the time, day in and day out.

I have no desire to become an actor so I will not be doing it either. But I am taking this lesson into account while thinking about building my social presence. To get anyone to care, I have to do the things that other people would feel to embarrassed to do.

Quality upvotes on my launch!

I added a launch of Product Hunt for Farcaster Frames and it has gotten a few upvotes. But quality is really over quantity on PH. One of those upvotes was from Ryan Hoover, the creator of Product Hunt and collaborator on the book Hooked. It is pretty sweet to see him paying attention to the Farcaster ecosystem.

Ryan Hoover upvoted Frames on Farcaster

I planned in advance and still got a 404

RIP to the git commits I made to improve my chat app today. They got pushed but never got deployed. Meanwhile our weekly founder chat had already started! It wasn’t a complete failure because I included a backup link for joining the call in case my app didn’t work. That came in handy today!

404 on Vercel 🙈


Day 3: Build in public


Day 1: Build in public