Day 1: Build in public

The first step to building in public is documenting your work as you build. This post includes at least 3 things that I’ve worked on or thought about today. Maybe these notes will turn into social posts. Regardless they tell the story of my journey. My founder’s log.

Coding sucks!

Currently working on a no-code tool that let’s you build “frames” for Farcaster. Frames are like interactive tweets in the web3 ecosystem.

It always helps to start with wireframes when I’m building something new.

Wireframes from

It felt good to organize my thoughts this way, but I have a bias towards writing code. It didn’t take long for me to purchase a domain and get a Next.js app deployed using Vercel.

Then I used the Warpcast validator tool to preview my frame. I’m very curious to know what people would think of the tagline “coding sucks”.

My frontend dev is an ai

I just saw someone on Farcaster talk about how they used GitHub Co-pilot to add UI elements to their app.

I have to try this.

Product Hunt Launch

I’ve been exploring Product Hunt for the past 22 days (that’s my streak so far). While I love the idea of a platform for builders to share their work, I am skeptical about how valuable it is for us to invest time and money there.

I’m experimenting.

I saw that a product I really enjoy wasn’t on the website so I created a launch for it and I’m doing that again for the Farcaster Frames feature.

It definitely adds to my credibility on the platform when I launch quality products even if I haven’t built them. This is called being a “hunter”. But given that so many of the PH accounts seem to be bots it is unclear if launching there will truly lead to quality users.

qDAU is a term by the Farcaster founder dwr that stands for “quality daily active users.” Using this term is an acknowledgement that not all users add value to product goals.


Day 2: Build in public


Write the docs!