How a bad idea won

Today I started making a TikTok video. My great idea was to record myself implementing a new feature of my app and show the highlights on 2x speed. Maybe I could have made that work/made it interesting. I don’t know.

The problem was that 1 hour went by and I wasn’t even 50% done. I looked at the clock and it was getting close to my regular sleep time. My back was getting sore. But I wasn’t going to give up on my goal—to post every week day until I get my first 100 followers.

I had limited time so I pulled up an idea I had earlier in the week that I didn’t think was very good, but it was one I knew I could record and post it before it got too late.

Surprisingly, it’s my 3rd most watched video.

It’s not much, but it feels like a win to start building this muscle of writing my ideas in advance and staying consistent.

What are some content ideas you have that you think aren’t good?
(You might be surprised like I was!)


The Open Journey